Unexpected Friends. Linoprint and watercolor.
Laura Wire Laura Wire

Unexpected Friends. Linoprint and watercolor.

A past me could not stand to look at a photo of a fly long enough to paint it. Nostalgia over a simple, eventless Halloween years ago moved me to create this tribute to Gabriel and his unexpected friends.

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Learn how to completely change someone’s hair in just a few clicks with Adobe’s Generative Fill
Laura Wire Laura Wire

Learn how to completely change someone’s hair in just a few clicks with Adobe’s Generative Fill

Get ready to take your editing skills to the next level with this quick 2-minute tutorial! In this video, we’ll show you how to use Adobe Photoshop’s new feature Generative Fill to transform any blonde-haired stock photo into one with brown hair in just a few simple steps. Time to up your game and create stunning visuals like a pro! #generativefill #adobephotoshop #adobefirefly

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4 Myths Holding Design Grads Back in their Job Hunt
Laura Wire Laura Wire

4 Myths Holding Design Grads Back in their Job Hunt

In order to set yourself up for success, it is crucial to begin by dispelling the 4 common myths that may hinder your progress. By doing so, you can ensure that you are in the right mindset to move forward with confidence.

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