A photographic comparison: A bright 2009, an anxious 2020
Originally Posted 05/23/2021
Practicing fun little photoshop tricks helps me feel like I’m regaining a little piece of myself back, which I didn’t realize I’ve been missing for so long. It reminds me of my beginnings and curiosity with photography, digital creation, and exploration of self. Staying up late into the night has always provided my quiet moments of self-expression. It’s when I can most easily enter a flow state and feel free.
What do you see when you reflect on an image of yourself from 2020, and approximately ten years earlier? For me, the contrast was stark.
2009: I was fresh out of high school. The world felt big, exhilarating, and poetic.
2020: In the midst of a pandemic. The world felt isolating, uncertain, and fragile.